1 (800) 584-4079 mark@thompsonlongrange.com

Jay Jarden shot this nanny ibex on a difficult hunt in the New Mexico depredation hunt to qualify for a Billy tag drawing. Using his Thompson Long Range 30-378 Weatherby, it was a one shot one kill at 620 yards. Jay has used our system for quite some time and has had a few other successful hunts like this one in the past. Not only did he use the rifle for this hunt, but so did his nephew Mike as shown in the video below! We look forward to hearing and seeing more of Jay’s successful hunts with the Thompson Long Range 30-378 Weatherby rifle. Stay tuned to see how his Billy tag hunt goes!


Ramos Hunts & Video captured Jay Jarden & Michael Mormelie’s New Mexico Barbary Sheep Hunt on video with some public land long range shooting. Good Job Gents, Go Team Ramos!!! Click Here to check this hunt out on You Tube!